As an artist member non-profit, Strata Gallery seeks to showcase the work of internationally
Established Artists whose development has typically followed trajectories tangential to prevalent
avant-garde trends. It also showcases the work of promising Emerging Artists who may otherwise
struggle for gallery exposure, as their work is likewise at variance with those same trends. The gallery
encourages loose creative partnerships between and among these two groups.
Established Artists: Barbara Mehlman, Binod Shrestha, Cassandra Black, David Olivant, Ira Greenberg, Jane Shoenfeld, Joomi Chung, Julie England, Lin Medlin, Mary Vernon, Millian Giang Pham, Nishiki Sugawara-Beda, Paul King, Shelby Shadwell, and Susan Stephenson.
Emerging Artists: Emmanuel Manu Opoku, Jennifer Van, Mercy Hawkins, Phillip Byrne, and Rachel Taylor.